viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Comparison School v/s University , My own experience

In high school I went to a Catholic training school so my upbringing was very religious and conservative. 
It was a Scientific-Humanist school, the congregation of Father Damien of Molokai. The classes were starting at 8:00 am, I used a gray color school uniform from Monday to Friday, and every day, we were beginning the classes with a prayer. 
The subjects were like those of a normal school: Math, Language, History, Physical Education, Chemistry, Biology and Physics. Except that in my school the subject of religion was taken much more seriously, in the science subjects each had an elective, which in the end were mandatory and we had Mass every week.
The University has been very different from all this, because is a state institution, so that Catholicism is completely out of my training. Classes do not always start at the same hour and are not always in the same room, the subjects and teachers change every semester, and academic exigency is much higher, I have more classmates and not always are the same in all subjects.
It's been a big change, a new experience for me, my life in general has changed a lot since I came to college and I had to learn to be responsible for myself, as opposed to school, here nobody complains if you miss classes or if you didn't study for an exam. 
Now, I changed the school uniform by ordinary clothes, the Eucharist weekly by study's nights and parties with friends and classmates.